# # DO NOT EDIT - Automatically generated by 'gformat' # # DHCP server options dhcp-authoritative dhcp-fqdn domain=dhcp.Zwet.wleiden.net. domain-needed expand-hosts log-async=100 # Low memory footprint cache-size=10000 ## wlan0 - Omni voor Tuin dhcp-range=wlan0,,,,24h ## vr0 - Link to ZTWMeerburgkerk # not autoritive ## vr1_102 - Link to PVKerkDuif # not autoritive ## vr1_103 - Link naar Jar # not autoritive ## vr1_104 - Omni voor de Buurt dhcp-range=vr1.104,,,,24h ## vr1_105 - Unused uplink # not autoritive